Google, Please go easy on me, I'm just a little girl.
This site was created by LexianDEV aka Lexian for educational purposes only.
It is not intended to be used for illegal purposes.
We are not responsible for what you do with this site, and we accept
no responsibility.
This site is, by technicality, lawfully identified as "Piracy" by the
United States Copyright Office.
However, this site is meant solely as an experiment for one's own education.
It can, and will, be taken down at the request of Google LLC.
By using this site, you agree to the above terms.
The service that is provided by LexianDEV, TimeWisely Productions
aptly named; "Video Downloader for YouTube" is not responsible for any
damages that you cause using this service...
At our discression, or at the request of Google LLC, we may take down
this service at any time, without any notice.
We offer no warranty, and no guarantee of service, or it's availability.
You are entitled to no refunds, and no compensation for any damages
nor losses that you may incur.
By using this service, you agree to the above terms.
As per the above terms, we may take down this service at any time,
without any notice, and without any compensation.
We do however, offer alternatives. Please see the list below for
comparable services.