TimeWisely Experiments


Check out my list of Asset Packs!

Views: 194 | By: timewisely


On a website called itch.io they sell and give away asset packs, these asset packs are created by artists, audio engineers, and well, anyone!

I haven't got the skills to create my own assets, and can't I can't really afford to hire someone to help me out, neither.

Therefore, I have created a list on itch.io, this list is public, so you can view it here.

I am sorry for the delay, I know I've not been around much, I've just been kind of burnt out is all. Whoever is reading this, I hope you're having a great day.

~ Chloe

YouTube Downloader is Broken.

Views: 340 | By: timewisely

The reports

On March 3rd, 2023: A bug was discovered preventing the downloading of Videos via the GUI. The reason for this is unknown and is believed to be caused by a change in the API.

Temporary Resolution

As we work to fix this error, we urge users to instead try out YT-DLP-GUI by me. This will work as a temporary solution, as we work on a new tool with various brand new features.

The Future

The project will be rebranded as YT-DLP-ONLINE which will be an open-source; PHP based; YT-DLP interface for web browsers. It'll include everything the current tool allows - but more reliable, functional, and sleek. It'll be shared across My Github for you all to enjoy.


So overall, I do want to sincerely apologize about this, i was unaware of the site being broken for the while that it was, and next time, I really want to make something much greater, and more stable. So, Please bare with me, thank you.

In the meantime: I will be hiding the visibility of the YouTube Downloader, since it is broken. Please see my above solutions if you need to download videos directly.

Thinking about experimenting with AI.

Views: 126 | By: timewisely

Hello there, I've been recently scouring some future project ideas. And I've come up with an idea that is quite interesting to me.

You see, I always had a strange fascination with AI and smart technology in general.

They are a great interest of mine, and I'd love to be able to understand how they work. I'd love to create an AI that is so smart that it essentially is able to learn from life.

I am the type of person who loves Science Fiction, especially in technology. People are scared for when robots become sentient, and take over the human race. I for one, am excited for this.

I know that the technology will eventually hit the point of sentience. And I'd love to create something of that nature.

I'd like to create AI that can be ported into a real world body, like an Android of some sort. I'd love to make it act like a real person, and grow like a real person.

It'd be so much joy to essentially raise what is a robot. I think this is what would cause real world sentience.

You see, if we in theory, gave an android baby all senses a human has, and give it the ability to learn, it is completely possible that we have just created what is life.

The machine would age, and it's knowledge would extend. It can learn to communicate, learn to socialize and play. It can learn to love, and desire.

It would be what we would finally want to know as, A sentient robot. This in theory, sounds simple.

But, in actuality, it is indeed, by far, absolutely not simple. But I stand by what is essentially my theory of robotics, in that, if we can create the general senses of a newborn baby; we can create people.

Imagine the world if robots become sentient. I know it's horrifying to some, but I genuinely love the idea of it.

One of my favorite games is Detroit: Become Human, a game about androids whom become sentient, and fight for civil rights.

It is exciting what the world may come up with.
- Chloe